Bourne TX

We are all about helping churches and similar organizations be the most effective stewards of property, facility, financial, people, and missional resources.
It's not about the building. But the building and property usage dramatically impacts mission and ministry results.
It's not about style. It's about what's being communicated to your "target" community.
It IS about stewardship. Check out what Jesus said (Matthew 25:14-29)
It is not about what you have or don't have, how much you have or don't have; but how you use what you have to advance the kingdom of God.
We exist to help churches (and similar organizations) make the most of ALL the resources in which they have been entrusted, and INVEST those resources to engage the community and impact lives for God's kingdom through compelling, financially feasible, site specific design solutions.
Our core service is our VisionCAST Workshop, where leaders are engaged and equipped in a strategic, collaborative, highly customized planning and decision making process. This step is the cornerstone and becomes the foundation for church presentation, fund raising, architectural and engineering, and construction steps to come. By identifying and involving key stakeholders the process gives the church's facility evaluation and planning a jumpstart and condenses what often takes months or years into what usually consists of an exciting and energetic two or three day event.
As a non-profit entity, Cornerstone Collaborative is committed to providing the VisionCAST Workshop service within affordable reach of church congregations of all sizes. Fees are stated in advance and include preparation time, travel costs, the event itself,and costs of support materials/illustrations. Preliminary consultation specific to a particular property is available by phone at no cost or obligation. Give us a call or leave a message and allow us to serve you and your church.